ME: Eddie I'm just going to run out to find a used copy of the ballet-themed dramedy Center Stage. I can't justify paying full price for it, but I reeeally need to watch it right now. For creative reasons, obviously. Especially the scene where the all the ballet students learn how to let go by dancing in a salsa club. So. I'll be back in like four hours, sound good?
EDDIE: (see photograph.)
ME: No it's just, I need to check eBay every hour for research. What if someone posts the perfect onyx bangle, and I miss it? I need to have a jangly piece of jewelry to endearingly get in my way as I scribble my John Hancock on the inside flap of my successful Erotic Choose-Your-Own-Adventure novel set in post-apocolyptic Argentina. I'm telling you, it's going to be a huge hit, as soon as I write it. Okay?
EDDIE: (see photograph.)
ME: Now Eddie, don't get upset but I've decided to volunteer at the MSPCA cat shelter this afternoon. I've decided to write a psychological thriller based on the musical Cats!, and since we don't have any cats I need to go watch how they sing and tap dance and talk to each other. It's a little thing called research. All right?
EDDIE: (see photograph.)
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