Monday, September 24, 2012

How to Renew Your Driver's License: a Guide.

  1. Remember all at once, out of nowhere, just like that scene in Home Alone when the mom suddenly, violently remembers that they forgot Kevin, that your driver's license has been expired for two months.
  2. Almost cry with relief when you discover you can renew it online without having to drive to any strip mall or talk to any human being.
  3. Agonize over whether or not you should become an organ donor.
  4. Forget if your middle name appears on your Social Security card.
  5. Accidentally click the "back" button when you're half way through filling out the form, so the RMV web page is replaced by your Google search results for "what is the point of a box spring".
  6. Return to RMV web page and start from the beginning.
  7. Begrudgingly fork over 50 clams via "electronic check". (What?)
  8. Almost delete the confirmation email they send you when you're done, after self-assuredly misidentifying it as spam.
